Summer Safety 2017

Although we all think of summer as a more carefree and relaxed time, the summer can present challenges if you have teenagers. Summer is a time when parents need to be particularly alert to what their children are doing, where they are going and who they are spending time with during
their vacation.

This is not always easy to do as teens usually have more freedom during the summer and have more opportunities to gather in unsupervised settings where no responsible adults are present.

Times of transition can be difficult for students and the eighth to ninth grade and twelfth grade to college are identified as times when teens are more likely to begin or increase their use of alcohol and other drugs. Research also shows that the summer is the time that many teens try marijuana
for the first time.

Robert DuPont, MD, the former Director of the National Institute for Drug Abuse and the former “drug czar,” spoke at the Community AntiDrug Coalition of America conference in February and spoke last month at the Westchester Coalition for Drug and Alcohol Free Youth and meeting about the need to keep teens from using the three gateway drugs; alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine.

At a time when there is grave concern about the opioid crises, Dr. DuPont made the point that most opioid users begin their drug use with one of the three gateway drugs. Dr. Du Pont went onto say, “Drug prevention is not drug by drug, rather it is about any and all drug use by youth. Prevention needs to support the primary goal of no use of any alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other drugs to maintain the health of our young people.”

During the summer, it is important for parents to understand that keeping teens away from the three gateway drugs will be a positive step to ensuring that their lives will not be impacted by the serious consequences of drug use and addiction.

The Five A’s Of Parenting
Mike Nerney, a prevention specialist, makes the following recommendations to parents about strategies they can implement to keep their children safe during the summer:

  1. Aware: Every family should have a strategy in place so that they know where their teen is and who they are with during the day and at night. Be sure to check-in with other parents and make sure that all the teens are in a supervised setting with a responsible adult. Empty houses with no adult supervision have proven to be very dangerous places for teens in Westchester County. It is usually in this unchaperoned setting that many teens first try alcohol and drugs or have their first sexual encounter. Text messaging, talking on the cell phone and even asking your teen to take a picture of where they are and then have them send it to you, have made the job of knowing where your child is much easier.
  2. Alert: Be alert to any behavioral changes in your child during the summer. Teens are much more likely to try alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs for the first time during the summer months.
  3. Awake: When your children get home, give them a hug or a kiss and talk to them for a few minutes to
    make sure they are not under the influence of any substance. It may be a deterrent for your children to use alcohol or other drugs if they know that they will have to pass the “hug/kiss/talk” test later on in the evening. If anything in their behavior concerns you, make sure they are safely in bed and wait until the morning to address the issue. Important note: If your teen seems impaired, DO NOT LEAVE THEM ALONE “to sleep it off.” Keep them awake and talking. Call 911 immediately if your teen cannot keep their head up or stay awake.
  4. Assertive: Make sure you and your child have discussed appropriate consequences for inappropriate and unhealthy behavior. The consequences should be firm, respectful and related to the behavior. Furthermore, although this can be difficult, the consequences must be enforced.
  5. Affirming: Let your children know that you love them and want them to have a wonderful summer. Help them understand that they are the most precious people in your life and if they feel that you are being too protective, it is because it is your job to keep them safe.
Source: Patricia Murphy Warble, LMSW, CPP, Parenting for Prevention June 2017

Alcohol and Your Child

As a parent, it is important to understand your role in protecting children from the problems associated with underage drinking, and the laws related to this issue.  Underage alcohol use is a serious issue impacting communities across New York State, including the Village of Irvington. Adults play a role when they sell of serve alcohol to youth under the age of 21, when they host parties where young people are drinking, and when they condone underage alcohol use.

Every community member should be concerned about alcohol use by youth under 21 because it is associated with the three most common causes of teenage deaths: accidental deaths, homicides and suicides. In addition, high levels of alcohol use are associated with unplanned or unprotected sexual activity among adolescents, posting increased risk for teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Alcohol use and higher levels of use among adolescents is associated with poor grades, absenteeism and higher school drop-out rates. In addition, children who start drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who  begin drinking at age 21.

The enforcement of the underage drinking laws requires an awareness and commitment from parents, schools, communities, clergy, healthcare and law enforcement professionals. The health and safety of our children, families and communities can not be compromised due to the devastating, and often fatal consequences of underage drinking. Everyone can play a role in reducing the use of alcohol in youth under 21.

Learn more about how you can make a difference as well as laws addressing underage drinking.

Prom Safety in Irvington

Prom Safety activities were executed throughout the month of May at Irvington High School.

In the beginning of May, there was a window display for “Prom Safety”, which included PSAs about prom night and facts about driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

Additionally, the Westchester County Department of Public Safety provided an all-day drunk driving simulator for students. Westchester County police officer Christopher Grasso supervised the simulator and provided students with information about DWI laws and the “zero tolerance policy”. Students waiting for the simulator learned about the potential dangers of alcohol or drug-impaired driving.

On May 18th, the Westchester STOP DWI program displayed a crashed car at the High School. The Irvington police department also provided information about DWI laws and safety as well as conducted a mock DWI check point with students wearing the Fatal Vision alcohol goggles.

Prevention is key to a happy, safe, and sober prom night!

Why do people start taking drugs?

Why do people start taking drugs?

People take drugs for many different reasons: to feel better, to feel good, and because others are doing it. The most important thing to realize is that the younger a person begins to use drugs, the more likely it will lead to serious drug abuse. Learn more.