Spring Into Action

Parents, The Anti-Drug website reports that more teens start using marijuana, cigarettes and alcohol for the first time during the spring and summer months.  So this is a good time to step up your prevention efforts.

  • Talk to your child about the risks of alcohol and other drug use.
  • Attend any presentations Irvington schools or the iASK-CAB Coalition offer.
  • Stay alert to changes in your child’s behavior and call Irvington’s Student Assistance Counselor for more information, 269-5469. Learn more.

My friends are using “study drugs”, can they help me improve my grades too?

My friends are using “study drugs”, can they help me improve my grades too?

Some students hear that Adderall can can help them focus and perform academically, and think of it as a ‘study drug.’ Many teens and young adults are under the mistaken impression that because prescription stimulants such as Adderall came from a doctor that they are safe or safer than ‘street drugs.’ Learn more.

Marijuana’s Impact on Teens

“Marijuana is addicting, has adverse effects upon the adolescent brain, is a risk for both cardio-respiratory disease and testicular cancer, and is associated with both psychiatric illness and negative social outcomes.” (American College of Pediatricians, 2015).  Learn more.

Rx Drug Abuse Prevention Starts at Home

Every day, 2,000 teenagers use a prescription drug to get high for the first time. It can be as easy as opening a cupboard, drawer or medicine cabinet. If your child is prescribed medication: talk to the prescribing physician about safety guidelines; monitor the family’s prescriptions; secure them tightly in a locked cabinet; and properly dispose of expired, unused medications.  Irvington has an Rx Take Back Days on January 20 and April 28 at Irvington Town Hall from 10am – 2pm.  Permanent MedReturn boxes are available 24/7 in the Ardsley and Dobbs Ferry Police stations. Learn more.