They’re going to prom and graduating!

They’re going to prom and graduating! Now is the time for one of their most important lessons.

Prom!  Graduation!  These celebrations sometimes result in big, unsupervised parties. It’s important to take the time to talk to your teens about pressure and making good decisions before they celebrate. Get strategies for keeping them safe from drugs and alcohol. Learn what every parent needs to know.

Prom Safety in Irvington

Prom Safety activities were executed throughout the month of May at Irvington High School.

In the beginning of May, there was a window display for “Prom Safety”, which included PSAs about prom night and facts about driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

Additionally, the Westchester County Department of Public Safety provided an all-day drunk driving simulator for students. Westchester County police officer Christopher Grasso supervised the simulator and provided students with information about DWI laws and the “zero tolerance policy”. Students waiting for the simulator learned about the potential dangers of alcohol or drug-impaired driving.

On May 18th, the Westchester STOP DWI program displayed a crashed car at the High School. The Irvington police department also provided information about DWI laws and safety as well as conducted a mock DWI check point with students wearing the Fatal Vision alcohol goggles.

Prevention is key to a happy, safe, and sober prom night!